The James Bond franchise is a clear example of film objectifying females and forcing the audience to view females and to see it through the male gaze. The scene within ' Die another day' when James Bond meets Jinx demonstrates my previous statement by the Vignette effect used to portray Bond looking through binoculars; this makes the audience look at the woman directly through Bonds eyes. This demonstrates Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze theory, as the audience are automatically made to look at and gain scopophillia and hegemonic ideologies from looking at the attractive female. This relates to how we live in a patriarchal society, where everything is ruled by males and that people are made to see the male opinion.
In the post production editing, the woman emerging from the water is in slow motion, which makes the audience enter a fantasy world in Bonds mind. By the clip being in slow motion, the audience is able to study the woman's body, just how Bond would be taking it all in and studying her slowly and closely. The camera keeps going back to Bonds reaction to seeing the woman and then when he goes back to looking through the binoculars we take on the male gaze again. When she walks towards Bond, she shakes her hips from side to side, showing she's being sexually provocative to gain Bond's attention even more. She also has a full face of perfect natural makeup, this is a constructed representation as she would not look like this in reality. The filming has been constructed to make her look flawless even when she's come out of sea water. This also gives a false reality, as this would not happen in a real life situation and that we all gain the hegemonic ideology that women should look attractive in any life situation.
When Bond says he is a Ornithologist, she looks down at his crotch and replies " wow thats a mouthful". This shows how provocative she is being towards Bond, to make him feel attracted to her and that she is available. Her forward behaviour, shows the audience what Bond likes in a woman, and that a passive audience of a woman may think this the way women get men to be attracted to them which gives them a hyper-reality. Whereas an active audience would see that men only want one thing from women who act in that way.